Saturday 11 July 2020

Patchmon's Thai Desserts

In my continuing quest to find flowery cakes and pandan desserts in Toronto, I came across Patchmon's as I was researching. During the COVID pandemic, they're only open on Saturdays with the menu going live on Wednesdays. I pre-ordered my items through the online form and got confirmation the next day that they would make my order for pickup on Saturday. The store is really tiny and only accommodates one person at a time, so there was a tiny lineup when I got there. 
Clockwise from top left: Toddy palm cake, sweet tapioca with coconut cream, cassava cake, thai moon cake with taro, coconut jelly, coconut layered cake and the middle is the steamed pandanus cake (which got slightly destroyed when I was transporting it).

Steamed pandanus cake (5 pieces in 1 order for $6) and Coconut layered cake $6
The steamed pandanus cake was interesting, the bottom green part was sweet from the subtle pandan flavour, but I found that the salty coconut cream made it taste quite salty (and I wasn't expecting the coconut cream to be salty - that was a bit of a shock). 
I really liked the coconut layer cake. It was a really good gelatin dessert with pandan and tapioca flavour in the middle - one of my favourites of the desserts I got. 
Curry Puffs with potato $4.50 for 2
The Thai curry had good flavour and the pastry was really good: super flaky and crispy

Steamed tapioca with coconut cream $4 for 2 
The coconut cream by itself is salty! However when it was paired with the sweet tapioca, it wasn't as obvious. It actually tasted really good all together since the salty coconut cream is balanced out by the sweeter tapioca and pandan flavours. I also loved the combination of textures from the gelatinous tapioca balls and grainy corn with the smooth coconut.  Everything about this dessert is really good: taste, texture and flavour are all amazing.

Cassava cake
I haven't tried cassava before, but I liked that this dessert was very light and subtle with a good coconut flavour and it wasn't too sweet. The texture was also jelly-like.

Thai Moon Cake with Taro $6
Soft flaky pastry on the outside with a sweet taro center and a salty smoky aftertaste. The smoky flavour also lingers for a long time on your tongue - I wasn't really a fan of it. 

Toddy Palm Cake $6
Another first trying toddy palm fruit. It has a strong sweet distinct flavour that lingers and the palm cake was kind of egg-y with lots of shredded coconut on top. 

Coconut jelly $6
The desserts were really pretty and there was quite a selection to choose from. I picked the colourful ones. The jelly was coconut cream in a super firm jelly state (the different colours didn't have different flavours). 

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